HangMan game in PYTHON
What is hangman? Libraries Hangman is a paper and pencil guessing game for two or more players. One player thinks of a word, phrase or sentence and the other(s) tries to guess it by suggesting l etters within a certain number of guesses. wikipedia Code: import random as r listOfWords1 = ["pace", "space", "cross", "edge", "nine", "tame", "spawn", "real", "world", "seed"] listOfWords2 = ["computer", "physics", "science", "sapiens", "building"] def main(): guesses = "" level = input("Easy(e)/Medium(m)/Hard(h):\n").lower() print("----------") if level == "e": turns = 5 word = r.choice(listOfWords1) elif level == "m": turns = 3 word = r.choice(listOfWords1) elif level == "h": turns = 3 word =...