Projects to consider as a bigener in PYTHON
One of the most efficient way of becoming
an expert in something is by experience.
Even in case of programing languages,
we should make different projects according
to our knowledge in that language.
So, here are some python projects you
should make as a beginer in python.
1. Advanced Calculator
2. Unit Converter
3. Audio Video Converter
4. YouTube Downloder
5. Password Generator
6. Number Guessing Game
7. Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
8. Hangman Game
9. TicTacToe Game
10. Binary Search Algorithm
1. Advanced Calculator: Python Programing is
a great tool to evaluate. It has many
libraries (such as “math”) and many
functions (such as “eval()”) to make an
advanced calculator. The calculator can be
both command line or graphic user interface.
Exampler Syntax: sum = 5%2 sol = eval(sum) print(f”{sum} = {sol}”) Note->”You will find a GUI based calculator
on this blog.” 2. Unit Converter: Python’s easy and clear
syntax put programes like unit converter
in the beginer list. The presence of
libraries like pint or numpy add up to this.
Exampler Syntax: import pint #pip install pint ureg = pint.UnitRegistry() print(3 * ureg.meter + 4 * 3. Audio Video Converter: There are many
libraries available in python for audio
video conversion in python. The most used
library is “moviepy”.
Exampler Syntax: import moviepy.editor as mp clip = mp.VideoFileClip(r”Video File”) clip =audio.write_audiofile(r”Audio File”) 4. YouTube Downloader: YouTube Downloader
is a program with which one can download
any YouTube video in any given quality or
even its audio. “pytube” is the prefered
library used for this purpose.
Exampler Syntax:
#pip install pytube from pytube import YouTube
link = “”
PATH = “E://”
yt = YouTube(link)
mp4files = yt.filter(‘mp4’)
video = yt.get(mp4files[-1].
extension, mp4files[-1].resolution) 5. Password Generator: A password generator
can be made using libraries like numpy and
random however use of numpy is not necessary
but recommended. 6. Number Gussing Game: In this program
computer will generate a random three or
four digit number and the user will get some
chances(you can add levels and chances will
be changed according to the level) to guess
the number.
7. Rock, Paper, Scissors Game: Also known as
“snake, water, gun”, “rock, paper, scissors”
is a popular game among kids. Here, the user
chooses one of the either options
(rock, paper or scissors) and either the
computer or the second player chooses b/w
these three as well. Player1 wins if,
player1 chooses rock and player2 chooses
scissors or if player1 chooses paper and
player2 chooses rock or if player1 chooses
scissors and player2 chooses paper. If both
the players choose the same thing, its a
8. Hangman Game: In this game, computer
chooses a random word and user have to guess
the word in given choices. To make the
program more intresting and complex, you
should add levels where player should get
difficult words and less tries on higher
Note -> “You will get detailed explanation
with code for hangman in this blog.” 9. TicTacToe : TicTacToe is a popular two
player pen-paper game. Code with detailed
explanation for TicTacToe is avalable in
this blog. 10. Binary Search Algorithm : In short,
Binary Search Algorithm takes advantage of a
collection of elements that is alrady sorted
by ignoring half of the elements after just
one comparison.
These were the Top 10 python programs you
should try as a beginer. You can use the
comment section of this post for any queries
or DM me on Instagram @projectsofcode for
quick responses.
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